Friday, May 1, 2009


So, heres my disclaimer....Please do NOT listen to me on these videos below. Ever since I've become a parent it seems I've turned into a total dork. I discovered this when playing back all the videos I recorded. I'm pretty sure I dont speak in my regular, God-given tone of voice anymore. Its all turned into high pitched squeaks and noises to get Taylor to laugh. I'm sure Mark wonders what happend to his wife because everyone knows that men DO not have this happen to them. Well, not my hubby anyway. So, as you watch just know its all for Taylor and yes, I realize that truly I am the dork I've always wondered I was. Maybe every first time parent feels this way?

Crawling!!!! Taylor officially crawled this past week on April 24th. She's kind of still working on her groove but she certainly gets where she wants to. Mark managed to get some footage of her trying to crawl. Its been about a week since then and shes improved so much! She's such a big girl now!

How we typically clean up

SO when we are finished eating...this is usually how we clean up. Everyone is happy this way.


This video is actually from a while ago, but she was just learning to eat baby food. I think she's about 5 months here. She was sooo hungry.