Sunday, September 27, 2009

so cute

My friends Kim and Christine from Orlando just opened a new business and they sent Taylor the cutest birthday package! Thank you sweet friends!

Taylor is 1 !!

Our Sweet Girl had her 1st birthday recently! My parents came for a visit over her bday week and we took her to the zoo for the first time. We had her bday party right after our family breakfast. I made her a rainbow cupcake and let her go to town with it. She was hilarious as she shoveled into her mouth without stopping to breath. I think she was really afraid I would take it away from her!
Its hard to believe we have a toddler now. Shes becoming more and more independant these days..wanting to use the spoon herself, walking EVERYWHERE, and of course pointing out her food preferences especially when its something sweet. We are also hearing Taylor try and repeat what we are saying. Her newest words are banana, "look! theres an airplane!", and of course "Aleigh and A-ho" ( for our dogs raleigh and tahoe).
I did have a short cry on the night before she turned one. I'm sad she's not going to be my little baby much longer...of course then Mark reminded me that it was a good thing since I'll have another new baby to take care of in less than 6 mos!

Passys are her "thing" so among the many gifts she got, we wrapped up a box of new soon as she opened it she kept saying "ooooohh ooohh"

We celebrated Raleigh's bday the week before with a candle in the dog food...I think he was confused

Yeah, this party hat lasted all of 2 seconds

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the Taylor toddle

We caught a little girl cruising around the house.