Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The Greenville Zoo is awesome for families. Taylor had a wonderful time looking at the animals but of course her favorite was feeding the farm animals. These billy goats were super obese for goats, in my opinion, and we bought special crackers to feed them. I was a tad nervous letting my kids feed them at first. I can remember when I was little going to the Houston zoo and having one of those eating machines eat a hole in the shirt I was wearing. In fact, I think I have a picture standing next to that goat the moment before he chowed down on my clothes. So, ever since I've been apprehensive about feeding the goats. But, we've visited these goats a few times since and I'm getting more comfortable with the idea...and Taylor talks about them non stop. She thanked Jesus for them that night when we said her bedtime prayers.

Even Noah was interested

Okay enough with the goats already.

I love this expression on her face....

Look at my handsome Mister....nothing sexier than a hot guy with a baby- in a front carrier no less

Speaking of zoo...here are a few pics of what happened around our house that week other than the zoo.
We had a Raleigh dog birthday party! Every year on our dog's bdays we give them half a can of dog food and put a candle in it and sing happy birthday. They get bones wrapped in bday paper too. We were happy that Raleigh's bday was before Taylor's so we could get her warmed up for her big day.

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